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heres (mo) that i spotted from behind walking down fourth street near santa monica beach. i was completely taken back by her great fashion. i mean, she has to be top 5 most fashionable girls i've seen walking down the street ever, and top 1 in cali. anyways, turns out shes an aspiring designer. i was excited to talk with her and she makes VERY good harem trousers as you can see. she has a blog too if you want to check it out. shes just starting, but who knows? she might make it big soon with those amazing pants
went out to an awesome sushi place called musha when we were in downtown santa monica and it was superr yummyy. we were supposed to go to the edison.. but we didnt ever make it and instead went to a friends house for a get together after dinner. it was a lot of fun, and i got called egyptian girl all night. seriously, whats with all the names relating to the middle east lately?

(21 dress, urban vibe studded skirt, zara shoes)
so, the valley is amazing.. and im absolutly lovingggg quaint santa monica. we've done a lot of shopping, a lot of people watching, and a lot of good eating. when we landed on thursday, we headed over to zara in santa monica and seriously- it was HUGE. the zara in atlanta doesn't even compare.. so pretty much i spent all my money right then. we wandered down on main and got pizza at this amazing italian place and it was to DIE for. yesterday we headed over to zara again, and met up with my cousin and gave him a whole new wardrobe- he looked amazing after. then we went to milk where the clothing was nothing short of perfection. i got this amazing bra that im so excited about. later we finally headed into LA right to the center of the TOURISTSS! hollywood blvd is SCARY. im pretty much traumatized now because the creepy people kept grabbing me.. thanks to my friends who casually told me "that i would be fine in a skirt and 4 inch heel boots"... i dont think so! i was too scared that i was going to be offered money because everyone waas looking at me like i was a prostitute haha. i didnt look trashy at all.. but standing next to like a trillion asian tourists wearing jeans, tennis shoes, and fanny packs, i definitely stood out. after conquering my meltdown over there, we headed back to the pad to change and go to dinner. we grabbed a bite at asia de cuba and ohmygosh, it was so fabulous i cant even begin to describe it. i took a few pictures that i promise to post soon, but let me forewarn you- nothing would do it justice.. you just have to go and see it. tonight we're meeting up with some friends to head to dinner and the edison, which thanks to ALANNA for recommending- im sure it will be killer! heres a post from a little while back in the mean time of me uploading the pics:

like every other girl remotely interested in fashion.. i've been completely enamored by the recent "side braid" trend on the runway thanks to the ever-fabulous alexander wang and decided to try it out

(heritage 81 tank, bandeu top, DIY studded vest)
this DIY was crazy easy and took me seriously about 10 minutes. while cooking dinner, i saw something on television about vintage vests and wah-lah- STUDS! : the perfect combination to restore any faded jean disaster. enjoy!
jolted by caffeine, i was gung-ho about going on a walmart adventure for pumpkin and buttermilk to make these

absolutely delicious :)

have a fabulous & yummy sunday